Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Dec. 14, 2011 -- Student Press winners and your assignment

Here are very important student press winners.
Click here.
Survey the topics that the student journalists were covering.
Then critique them by asnwering the following questions. 1. How did the lead get your attention?
2. How many sources were quoted in total?
3. Who were these sources? Were they close to the story? Great value added quotes or not?
4. How did they wrap up the story? Was anything from the lead referred back to? Did they do something completely different? Was there a twist?
5. What did the pictures (art) do for the story?

This is due on Friday, Dec. 16. Type up and hand-in to Ms. Greer.

Remember, modeling and looking at students who have this together will help your own projects.

Ms. Greer

Monday, December 5, 2011

Dec. 6, 2011 Assignment

So watch these videos and comment on them. Turn in to substitute.

1. Fashion show is this week. Look at this video from Bill Cunningham of the NY Times. He has a documentary out now and he captures the fashion buzz on the streets of NYC.

2. Hockey and concussions(note that there are three videos) click here. Think of a localized version of this story. Several of our football players suffered from concussions this past season.

3. Sandusky talks AGAIN here.

4. Remember Danny from the Class of 2010? Here is a story that he would like from the NYTImes Sunday Magazine. Click here. It is a great representation of a sound slide show.

Turn in your comments. Looking for ways to tell our local stories we can use.

Ms. Greer Silver Spring, Md

Friday, December 2, 2011

Dec. 2 - Check these out and write it up

Here is the news on the iconic meme photo of the pepper-spraying cop photographer. He is young, like you guys, and he was just doing his job waiting for the best shot.
Here is a commentary on our high school student who made the Governor of Kanasas look like he really does not have it together.
Today's short assignment:
Write a reaction to both pieces. Doesn't have to be long but must have some of your own analysis in it. 15 pts.
Ms. Greer

Monday, November 28, 2011

Nov. 28 - Branding

We looked at the pepper-spraying cop on Wednesday and all the memes that cropped up from that.
Look at this article in the NYTIMES today
Then follow the Adbusters link in the copy and explore. What caught your attention?
What do you think about the power of memes? What exactly are they?
Write your thoughts and turn in today. Just a paragraph or two. There is a lot of heft to this.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Oct. 24 - Classwork

Here is the top story on the NY TImes this morning.
Click here to see.
Follow the links in the story and write up what you think about the site.

How is is different than television news?

Ms. Greer Silver Spring, Md.

Monday, October 10, 2011

October 10

Don't know if you are following the Occupy Wall Street events. Several things are happening journalistically that are very interesting, however.
The first is the traction of a broadsheet that is written about here in NY TIMES today.
The second is the radio station (live stream) they have started that you can find here
What are you thoughts on the demands of the protesters? Have you thought about one fashions a message which so many competing agendas? How do you get your message out? Is the media following this story? Will this be a big story or will it just run out in time?

Ms. Greer Silver Spring, Md

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October 5, 2011 -- Class work

SHare with a partner, check facts, cheerleading, cliches . . .
if all good, then turn in to Ms. Greer.

• Check the facts. Be accurate!
• Avoid stating the obvious. “Dennis Rodman smiles as he kicks a broadcast photographer in the groin.”
• Always identify the main people in the photograph.

• Don’t let cutlines recapitulate information in the head or deck or summary.
• Avoid making judgments. “An unhappy citizen watches the protest…” Can you be sure that he is unhappy? Or is he hurting. Or just not photogenic. If you must be judgmental, be sure you seek the truth.
• Don’t assume. Ask questions in your effort to inform and be specific. Be willing to contact and include the visual reporter.

• Avoid using terms like “is shown, is pictured, and looks on.”
• If the photograph is a historic or file photo, include the date that it was taken. Mayor David Dinkins, 1993.
• A photograph captures a moment in time. Whenever possible, use present tense. This will creates a sense of immediacy and impact.
• Don’t try to be humorous when the picture is not.
• Descriptions are very helpful for viewer. The person dressed “in black,” “holding the water hose,” “sulky from chagrin,” or “standing to the left of the sofa, center” are helpful identifying factors. (Photographers must ferret out this kind of material.)
• Be willing to allow for longer captions when more information will help the reader/viewer understand the story and situation.
• Use commas to set off directions from the captions to the picture. “Kachira Irby, above,…”or “Kennetra Irby, upper left…”
• Quotes can be an effective device, be willing to use them when they work.
• Conversational language works best. Don’t use clichés. Write the caption as if you’re telling a family member a story.
Courtesy of The Poynter Institute

Sunday, October 2, 2011

October 3

OMG. What do you think of this video? Crass commercialization or opportunity? Has your generation been bought off or are they capitalizing on a commerical opp?

Ms. Greer Silver Spring, Md.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

October 3, 2011

If you think that you have stress, check out these kids.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September 21 - Classwork

Sorry I am out today. I had several medical appointments scheduled for about a month. So . . . let's get busy.

First up, I want you to see my teacher at Columbia University's class video from the Foothills Dragon Press. It suggests the mission of online journalism. We get an analytics page from schoolnewspapersonline every week. They will tell us how many people have looked at the web site. Our goal is to increase all page views and unique visitors (those are people who aren't repeat customers). We will keep a running list on the board.

Second, I want you to answer these current affairs questions and hand them in to the sub. (Worth 16 points)

Journalism students all over the country take these tests weekly. Yes, this very test. At the very least, a journalist has to have knowledge of everything going on around them so that they can make connections to other stories in their community. My expectation is that you will look up these answers you don't know today, but you will start a chronic habit of paying attention DAILY to news sources like the Washington Post and the New York Times. You will also note that there is always some kind of pop news included, too. Look at #5, for instance. Get an honest assessment of your knowledge before you talk to your other classmates. You will see what you need to do.

Next Friday, Sept. 30, we will start our weekly current affairs quiz. I want you to be on par with other journalism students in this country.

Current Events Quiz

Week of Sept. 19 – 23, 2011

1. What controversial U.S. military policy officially ended this week?

2. As part of his effort to reduce the federal deficit, President Obama this week said he will suggest increasing taxes for whom? (HINT: He is quoted as saying, “This is not class warfare. It’s math.”)

3. What kind of accident claimed 11 lives in Reno last Friday?
4. What group is asking the United Nations Security Council for recognition as that organization’s 194th member? Extra Credit: How does the U.S. say it will vote if this happens?
5. Name either the best comedy series or best drama series according to last weekend’s Emmys.

6. Authorities in what country told more than 1 million people to evacuate because of a typhoon forecast for this week? Extra credit: What is the name of the typhoon?

7. What country lost its High Peace Council leader when he was attacked and killed in his home this week? (HINT: He has been trying to negotiate peace with the Taliban.)
8. What did the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles decided Monday about the controversial Troy Anthony Davis death penalty sentence?
Click on this link for quality photo requirements. We are going to get really, really good at our photography. Next week you will all be doing a soundslide production. It is truly fun and will be done on the Macs. I will supply the cameras.

Don't forget to do the observation exercise and upload it to on Friday. If you forgot the code and password, get it from a classmate or from me. The system will accept through Saturday night at midnight, but there will be a markdown of your grade. I think you will find this exercise more interesting than you know.

Please remember our conversation from yesterday. Everyone needs to be a self-starter, be grown-up and a contributor. We have a serious product for the public good. You have a great opportunity to learn so much here. Please examine your idea of the mission and we will talk on Friday.

Ms. Greer Silver Spring, Md

Thursday, September 15, 2011

September 16, 2011 - Warm-up

Check this out! Really funny. Then write a paragraph on your observations that don't just repeat what you saw. Interpret it. Try to figure these people out.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sept. 14 Homework (see both 9/14 posts)

Go to this!! Check it out thoroughly. We have soundslides coming up next week. Think like a winner. Shoot like a winner. Develop your eye like a winner.

Sept. 14, 2011 - Things to do

Greetings, New Frontier staff! Today you will have several challenges.**********************************************************************************
*************************************************Evidence of curiosity is exemplified by our having this mysterious photo and seeking the story behind it.************************************************************************************************************* 1. Play The Be A Reporter Game on Poynter's site at click here You will need to register, so do so right away. I need evidence that you played it, so before you sign out let me see the screen. This is a great game that is harder than you think AND it will make you think.************************************************************* 2. We will cover the fire drill. It happens during our class period today. Cameras and sound.*************************************************** 3. All of you need to hand in a story by Friday. Please let's finalize this during class and you must tell me your game plan on a sheet of paper with your name, etc. Some of you have already done so and you can move on to next week's story. Ms. Greer Silver Spring, Md.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Blogging for Wheaton Patch

We were invited to find a blogger last year for The Wheaton Patch. Now it appears there might be issues. What do you think? Check it out here My unhappy dog, Sam, getting a bath.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Thursday, May 12, 2011

May 12 - Senior Issue Ideas and Execution of Senior Issue

Since the profile assignment pretty much died with a dull thud, you guys are going to have to organize the senior issue on your own. 

It will be 8 pages.  Ashely and Jene will do it with InDesign.  It will include huge coverage of prom. 

Organize yourselves.  I am going to stand by and help as you need it.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

Monday, May 9, 2011

May 9 Warm-up

Illustration by Greg Epanty
It has nothing to do with  warm-up and is just for decoration.
Click here for today's warm-up article

20 pts.  Due at end of period TODAY.

Print this article. This is masterful writing on a subject that could be boring if not handled in the right way.

  • Highlight everywhere you get a real picture of these two teachers.  
  • Circle where the writer uses compare and contrast. 
On back page write a three paragraph summary of your thoughts on this article.  It made the NYTIMES, so it is defacto well-written.  It is a small story.  How did they make it resonate?

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md  

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 3 - Warm-up

Click here for style/design/layout of Bin Laden pages yesterday

Read this and look at the different ways the big news of Bin Laden's death was handled by front pages all over the world.

Pick you five favorites and explain why you liked them.   Turn in to my handin folder with your name and today's date.  (18 pts)

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011

April 26 -- Warm-up

Click here: The Power of Words

The picture above was in my family's old farmhouse over break.  Don't know why it is there, but it struck me that so many things have changed since I was a small girl there visiting my wonderful great grandmother and dealing with my fear of her mean rooster.  Now they are drilling for natural gas just behind the mountain and everyone is worried that the well water will go bad with their hydro-fracking chemicals.  I was trying to think of ways that you could fashion an ad campaign to make people aware of the need for clean water and a journalism educator sent the above link to the list serv I follow.  I am still looking for the right words on the water, but this video illustrates the power of the RIGHT words.
Think about someway you would change something with just the right words.  Give an example to the class when we discuss.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 7 -- Beautiful story about losing

Click here for Butler loss during NCAA tournament

Read the news article with this AND watch the video.

What do you think about losing after reading/watching this video?

Is this a sports story or a feature or a hybrid?  Did you read it all?  Did the material engage you?  Why or why not?

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 29 - Have you done everything to make your stories more interesting?

Have you asked over 21 questions?   Does your story have at minimum three quotes from three different people who are value added?

Will the students and teachers and other Kennedy attached folks learn something from your story?  Do you make them "see" what is so interesting about it? 

This is your job.  There are a thousands of interesting stories within the walls of this building and you MUST dig them out. 

Don't bore people.  Dig.  Dip into it. 

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

Monday, March 28, 2011

March 28 - Look at this letter from a journalism teacher to the listserv -- nice

Big smile!

On Mar 25, 2011, at 11:11 PM, Kristin Strubhart wrote:

Today was a good day. And I feel the need to share with my fellow journalism teachers because you all will truly understand.

My executive producer for our broadcast program has taken it upon himself to cover what he feels is the most pressing issue for students at our school - budget cuts & increase in student fees. Yesterday, he decided to attend the school board meeting. It was a big meeting because they voted on the deficit reduction plan. It's pretty controversial. Within an hour of the meeting, he and senior staff had a story on our website, and a video recap for the next day's broadcast. Yep. Those are MY kids. Their story - which is still a work in progress - contained more information than our local paper, was accurate, and was up on our website about 30 minutes sooner. The great thing was soon after the budget was approved, our twitter followers, facebook fans, and subscribers were all engaged in a dialogue and using our site to get their news. It was the first time that we've reported meaningful "breaking news."

The support staff learned from our site that their paychecks for next year are being frozen. Apparently, no one had informed them of the new budget plans. Our superintendent has been so flooded with questions that she's holding an informational meeting this Monday.

We just launched our site in January, so we've been trying to get the word out to people and build an audience. Needless to say, we've had a big jump in traffic and followers.

It's just been really wonderful to see my staff take ownership and pride in their work, and see their work impact our school community. And I get to sit back and smile.

Cheers for scholastic journalism,

Kristin Strubhart
Broadcast Coordinator
O'Fallon Township High School
O'Fallon, IL. 62269

Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 28 - And you think you had a bad day . . .

Click here for Denver news on First Amendment and Prior Review

What is your reaction to this?  Write a response and  turn in to me today.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

March 28 -- Middle School Madness, Mean Girls

Sexting article from front page of NY Times Sunday

Cautionary tale, people.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

March 28 - Gutsy girl gets the guy

Click here for middle schooler interviewing Eminem

So how hard is that to do?  Really admire her pluck and resolve.  Gutsy.
Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 24

Best Photo Galleries

Look at these.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

March 24 Foundations of Journalism

Click here for Quizlet on Foundations for Journalism

Test on Monday,  March 27.  This is a revised date.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21 - Persistence and Guts

This student approached Sebastian Junger via Facebook and he snagged an interview.  Very cool.  They publised in their student newspaper. 

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Journalism Test on March 24

Mr. Taylor with Pudd, the cat

Test will include a practical reporting exercise on deadline with reporting style in CORRECT form

- AND -  questions from the following web posts about journalism.  Test will take all of the block period.

Know the following for the test:

1. Guidelines for Reporting

2. Five Reasons to publish student names and photos

3. Seven ethical dilemmas student journalists face

4. Three landmark legal cases student journalists should know

5. 9 elements of journalism

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

Friday, March 11, 2011

March 11 - Warm-up -- Read, write, turn it in

D'Andre shot this of the school . . . would you crop it?  I really loved the autumnal colors and the sky.  This is not a formal question.  I just want you to start thinking like a designer.

Click here for Pacemaker judges comments

These judges show us how to have a great paper for the next two issues when we switch up with InDesign.

Which of these points was news to you and why?  Please write that up and give to me. (4 pts.)

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 7 - Rachel Fus, news photographer, talks to journalism class

Rachel Fus in self-portrait from her blog using the technique demonstrated in link below.  She says that this is the look you get when you take a shower with water-soluble eyeliner.   :0)

Check here for cheap, cool way to light objects for photography

Welcome Rachel Fus, photographer extraordinaire from The Gazette!  She visits us on Monday, March 7 during sixth period.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1 - Preparing for Rachel Fus during next Monday's class.

Student photographer of the year

Check out the above.  We are having Ms. Fus's sister, a professional photographer with The Gazette newspaper, in to speak to us about what makes a good photograph.  Please arm yourself with info before that happens.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

March 1 -- Check out

Photographs are so important to the mission of telling stories in newspapers. 

Click here for great student photographs

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

March 1 -- Enroll and take two hours out to learn about this at some point

Go through this program especially if you are interested in getting your photos in The New Frontier.

Click here for best-photojournalism-what-makes-winner

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

March 1 - Themes that carry through whole projects

Often writers or photographers will build a book around a theme.  Can you think of a project that does that?

Click here for photo project on what does mercy look like?

Ms. Greer
Silver  Spring, Md.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feb 17 -- Warm-up

We need to launch our online newspaper again.  Look at the interactive feature below.  This is not unlike the thematic approach you need to do with the paper newspaper.  Explore this site.

Click here for example of interactive feature

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Feb 15 Assignment - Music Theme in Next Issue

For a little background, start looking around and make connections to our school for the next issue.

 What ideas can you think of that would contribute to a special section on music at Kennedy?


Click here for how to sample
Do we have anyone here at Kennedy who actually spins records?

Who here at Kennedy is making great mixes?

Click for making your own guitar
Have you seen the movie It Might Get Loud?  The White Stripes guy (Jack?) builds a crazy guitar in that documentary with a Coca Cola bottle). See this: Jack White builds a homemade guitar for a nano second

Is anyone making ANY kind of instruments and playing music?

Sidebar:  Mr. Madaio is sponsoring the JFK drumline and they are having a meeting on Thursday.

Click here for Mr. Madaio's drumline group in 2007

Click here for another view of Mr. Madaio's drumline group (do you see him?)



Click here for the dancing parrot

Anyone have a singing pet?  Crooning dog?

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

Monday, February 14, 2011

Feb. 15 -- Look

Click here for Washington Post printing behind the scenes

What do you know about TBD?  Jeremy Arias, the Gazette reporter who visited, said that TBD is their big competitor.  How so?

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Feb 4 -- Egypt from teen perspective

Click here for youth journalist from Egypt

History is being made and you are eye-witnesses via this student journalist.  Please know the issues involved here.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

Feb. 3 -- warm-up

YOu should be reading a paper everyday.  Preferably, the NY Times.  They are rocking the add-in power of video and Soundslides.  Learn from them.  Expand your world view.  Also, it is a good idea to read at least two other papers.   Check around and see what paper you like to read.  NOTHING will make you smarter faster than reading newspapers.  Go for it.

Click here for story on "race"

SInce you attend a diverse school, do you think your friends would agree with this video about race classification?  Do students not think about race like they did in my day?

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

Monday, January 24, 2011

More photography tips

House picture I took from the street in South Dakota this past summer for fear owner would think I was weirder than they were.

Click here: NY Times Photographer has a big hint in this video

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

Photography link

Click here for great Penn State Photography link

If ever you were stumped by photography terms, here is a great link to explain it all to you with visuals.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Jan. 13 -Exam Review (examples of good writing)

Read this: Sport writing with a features twist

Most popular article in NY Times right now

Gaming and a troubled mind

All of these above articles sing with detail.  Tons of it. 

Exam on Wednesday, Jan 19. 
We will have a press conference with a mystery guest.  You will interview them and be graded on your questioning, your written article, and your photos of this guest.  You will have two hours to do research, question, photograph, and post your story.  Remember to look for details that are interesting for the reader and make a story come alive.  You must take a photo.  YOu will be acting like a real reporter because in fact, you are one.

If you are ill on that day, I am sorry to say that you will have a terrible burden of a project.  Please try to stay healthy so you won't miss it. 

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

Jan. 13 -- Final exam review

Great little media package on one of our own

Congrats to her.  She has a great media presence.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

Friday, January 7, 2011

Jan. 7 --Work to do today

I am still at home with this flu I had no idea would clobber me.  So, I am hoping that you guys will carry on with your stories and filling the newspaper without my presence.  Extremely unfortunate timing to be sick on my part.

YOu guys put your heads together and decide when we should finalize this paper.  It would be best if we bring it out at the beginning of new semester.  So when should we have our ultimate deadline, late night?

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

Thursday, January 6, 2011

First of three warm-ups for Jan. 6

Click here for segments from doc I saw last summer

I tried to interview her on my trip last summer for the audio work I was doing.  I drove to her town way back in the mountains and my cell phone didn't work.  I had to use a pay phone at the local gas station and the skinny phone book they had.  Her daughter answered the phone.  I had seen this important film at SilverDocs in June and I was so impressed with both the film and the panel afterwards.  I wanted to put her in my audio piece from Duke, but she was already very ill in August.

I grew up in West Virginia and I know how brave she was to fight the coal companies, especially in the area she is from.  Listen to her.   She died earlier this week from breast cancer.

What do you think?

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

Jan 6 -- Look at this

So you want to be a Youth Radio Producer

January 6

Click here for Best of Year Photos from this newspaper

Watch the video.  What did you notice?  What did you like?  What made these good news photos?

How can you improve your own pictures?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Jan. 3 -- Let's hear it for a creative clarity in 2011!

Click here for great graphics work

Now scroll down for 389 Years Ago poster.  Enlarge it.  Pretty cool, right?  Packed with data, uplifting, clear.

These are the ways you help your readership understand larger issues.  Graphics are critical to this mission of clarity.

The 4A story in sports would lend itself to a graphic.  Eligibility would, too.  What else?  What can we do with this ability on other stories to lend visual interest to our publication/web site?

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md