Monday, June 20, 2016

Camp Cavalier is in the House!

Welcome to Kennedy, everyone!

We will use this space as our repository of useful links for tutorials and effects! That way you can check them at home or over the summer!

The first link for basic instruction on Final Cut X is here.


Ms. Greer

Thursday, May 26, 2016

May 27 - Last project (Horror Movie) 25 pts. Due June

Here is the link to the directions for the last project.

It is actually very cool.

All footage is on the link and you need to download it to your computer at HD 1080p.

Here is the script for the scene:


We see down a dark hallway, and BECKY’s head pops up against the wall on the right side of the frame, she’s panting.

the KILLER enters down the hall, Becky looks and sees him, starts to run.

KILLER follows, axe in hand. When she looks back, he’s on top of her.

Killer swings the axe down on her throat.


Overhead shot of Becky, waking from bad dream. She checks her throat, gets out of bed.

ALLY, Becky’s roommate is making coffee. Becky enters.

I just had the most terrifying dream.
I was in some warehouse, being
chased by this madman in a yellow
suit, and he grabbed me by the throat.

Here, you need this more than me.

Ally hands her a cup of coffee.

Friday, May 13, 2016

May 13 Journalism -- Send me the rough draft* you have TODAY, May 13.

I want what you have in my email. That means all transcribed notes. THIS IS A DEADLINE. THE ROUGH WAS DUE TODAY. WHAT I DO NOT HAVE BY 5 p.m. today is a zero. Final draft is due on Tuesday. Not playing, Ms. Greer

May 13 -- Show critique

Here is the link to today'show. Watch it and write up your critique ON THE BACK OF THE CURRENT EVENTS QUIZ.

Next week is full on puppet production.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Journalism - May 5 Tainted Justice 20 pts.

Listen to the following and write up a comparison between Spotlight's investigative team and these two women.

Answer these questions:

1. What did these women uncover?
2. How was their reporting similar to the Spotlight team?
3. Where is this investigation today?
4. Write your personal opinion about the nature and purpose of journalism and try to link it to articles or news reports that have influenced you.

Here is the link to the reporters' interview with Terri Gross on her radio show Fresh Air.

Due: Next Friday, May 13.

Ms. Greer

Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2 - TV Production Assignment

Listen to this radio show about prom.

Think about the storytelling in this podcast.

We will be producing stories on prom stories this week.

Expect a quiz on this to make sure you listened.

Ms. Greer

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

April 27, 2016 - Journalism Assignment -- Interview and profile of Mr. Glaros (25 pts.)

Today you have Mr. Anthony Glaros in here as my sub.

He is a reporter.

I want you to have a press conference with him about cool stories he has covered and what techniques he uses in his work.

Amina, you set up the interview. Put Mr. Glaros near the big television set and you guys ask him questions, take notes, and write up a short news article on him and his approach to work.

Deadline is Friday to be turned in. Take a picture of him with your phone to be attached to the file. Make it interesting.

Ask him good questions.

Learn from him.

Write a stellar story.

Ms. Greer

Friday, April 22, 2016

April 22 - TV

So here we are with our creatures almost built.

Today we will take a picture of what you have so far with your puppet.

It does not matter where we are in the process yet, but we will start using them during block next week or Thursday (if no block).

Here is a video I want you to watch.

The editing is really, really good for a dance video.

Plus, it is informative.

. Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Journalism Assignment - April 19

The Pulitzer Prizes were awarded yesterday.

Do you know what they are?

Here is an article about who won and for what.

Read it.
I will quiz you on it AND THE OTHER Pulitzer Awards on Friday.

So, make sure you read this article and have a general idea about the other awards and the purpose of the Pulitzer Prize.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

April 7, 2016 - TV Production Assignment (15 pts.)

So the above video is related to our upcoming puppet unit.

Watch it twice.

The first time watch for just enjoyment.

The second time, watch for all the funny business they do with the puppets.

Write up your observations.

NEXT, Think of a fairy tale that you can modify for a puppet skit.

Update it with a contemporary setting like Kennedy High School.

For example, the three little pigs with different lockers and a bully that is the big, bad wolf.

OR The Gingerbread Man trying out for the track team.

How can you add comedy to whatever fairy tale and situation you make-up?

Write up your proposal with a drawing of one of your characters and hand into the sub.

Then, I want you to think about motivation.

Check out this video about just that.
Navy Seal link click here

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

April 7, 2016 - Journalism Warm-up/Assignment

The above video is an opinion doc from the NYTimes today. I think we should do some editorials in this style.

Please respond to these with your thoughts and hand in to the sub.

The following are about motivation.

Here is a video that is particularly germaine to our game project and being a journalist who notices patterns.

Did you know this?
Check out this short video. Can you find her writings?

Yesterday,I talked about the beauty of intrinsic motivation. Here is a link to a short video that I want you to think about.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

p.s. Here is our nine-year-old journalist if you missed this in the news.

Click here.

Monday, April 4, 2016

April 4 -- TV Production Assignments (TODAY and coming up) 20 points

We are going to do a short unit on puppets and make some children's shows in here during fourth quarter.



You will be doing these by yourself and/or with one other person.

We will build the puppets. Thus, you need to watch today's video.

We will be explaining things just like they do on Sesame Street.

But we will update it.

First thing is to design your character.

Watch the video. Write up the steps to building the puppet as you watch.

I am getting the foam for this puppet build this weekend.

You will construct your puppet.

You will write and perform your puppet.

You will be broken into groups so that you will rehearse together over the next three to four weeks.

This is going to be fun.

Write up the steps to build the puppet today. Turn in.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

March 15 - Journalism Assignment -- Humans of Kennedy

So here is the model if you are not familiar with this work.

This is due on March 23 during our short week.

The goal is to make Kennedy more human for us. To see past the tough exteriors and get to know the strangers in our halls.

NEXT WEEK you will be photographing students and staff at Kennedy High School to compile into a feature called “Humans of JFK.” We will mimic the style of "Humans of NY." Here is what you will need to do: Photograph and interview four students (one per grade) and one adult at Kennedy.

Ask each person only one question, or talk to them to find out what matters most to them.

That might be the best question:
“What matters most to you, and why?”

Others could be “What is your greatest struggle right now?” or, “What inspires you to be a better person?” or “What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?”

Email the photo and the quote (with their name/grade) to the new email:

Turn your work in starting 3/21 thru 3/23. The subject line should read “Humans of Kennedy.” You may use your cell phone for this project. Keep in mind all photographic elements of a great pic!

Here is an example to check out done by another school.

For more resources, check out this link.


Project has four photos
Photos follow all rules of good composition
Text is surprising to the reader reflecting good interview skills
Reader will be rewarded with a new view of the person interviewed

Possible points: 40 (ten per "Human")

Be sure to follow the protocol about how to turn in the material.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

Mar. 15 TV Production Assignment- (15 pts)

In light of our huge fail for the media festival, let's look at some videos on making video/film.

1. Look at every frame in this 3:51 min. film. See how much info is packed in about emotion and relationships.

2. Check this out. How did it get it's message across? Write that up.

3.We learn from the best. Check this out. Who is this guy? What does he do? What is he famous for? Look him up/Write it up.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Feb 29 - JOURNALISM (8th pd.) Assignment (15 pts)

This was a prize-winning photo from the Sony competition that Ms. Greer loved. Guess what is going on.

Click here for the link to the grammar police at The New York Times.

Plenty to learn from this. If you plan to major in journalism, you generally have to pass a grammar test and an AP Style test to be admitted. They aren't playing.

Click here for words journalists use/overuse but we never really say.

Scroll down and look at the words people turned in.

Can you think of overused words we use?

Now check out another cool item in the NY Times by clicking here.

This is cool picture puzzle thing. Test yourself by looking carefully, guessing what the photo might be about and then checking if you were correct on Fridays. Look at the entries from prior weeks today.

Write up your thoughts about these three links and turn in to me tomorrow. Show evidence that you really looked at them and you teach me something from your analysis.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

TV Production Assignment - Feb. 29 15 pts.

We have two weeks to get our projects done for the film festival. Today is look around and gather info. Combine a group. Think about what you can do.

Write a response to the following NYTimes videos and film trailers.

Click here for 1. The Revenant clip

What do you notice about this shot sequence? Does it make you think about the way you will shoot? How do you plan that?

2. Click here for the clip to The Race.

3. Here is the link to Creed.

These are the groups that are registered for the 7-day competition.

"*" means the contact person in the group.

Group 1

*Alisha White
Pattie Saunders
Viviana Vacaflor

Group 2

*Crystal Ubadiniru
Myliah Brown
Maria Ramos

Group 3

Muhammad Zina
*Asita Zina
Alex Sorgo
Bubakar Bojang
Michael Diaz

Group 4

*Chris Amparo
Milton Flores
Marta Esayes
Carlos Alonzo
Josue Hernandez
Jason Zepeda
Alex Alvarez

Group 5

Truman Becker
Stephanie Mora
*Blaine Tadesse
Kevin Bonilla

Group 6

Steven Espinosa
Khalid Mohamud
*Henry Haley Goldman
Nick DeGirolamo

Group 7

*Chynna Kelley
Talia Callands
Renee Bond
Arnaldo Pesoa

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Feb 24 - TV Production Why is Journalism Important?

This is Scholastic Journalism Week.

We need to answer why it is important on tape for the show on Friday. Think of a good answer or a personal one. We will call you up when it is your turn to be interviewed on tape.

You will also have a current affairs quiz. You get 12 min. to do this. You are allowed to look up answers on the computer or your phone.

Friday all groups must be finalized for the 7-day competition. Everyone must be in a group making a film.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

Feb 24 -- Journalism Assignment -- Watch these videos and answer the questions. (20 pts) Due: Friday

1. Watch the 30 min video.

Here is the link to the article and the video on Barton Gellman, a student journalist superhero.

What were the issues with this court case? Look up and explain what Tinker is. Also, explain what Gambino is in the context of the court case.

2. Here is another short video with student journalists I want you to watch. Click here for the video.

What are the issues in this second video? (Hint: There are two. What are they?)

P.S. What are the differences in the way the two different reporters talk? Do you notice something? This is just something I noticed. What do you think?

Ms. Greer Silver Spring, Md.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

TV Production - Film Festival Assignment (Total 70 points)

You all will be working on film competition submissions.

This will have to be carefully planned as we have to ration cameras.

Twenty (20) points will be for the planning and submission of your planning sheet with script.
Due Friday, March 4. THAT is also the day that the 7-day competition requirements drop.

Twenty (30) points will be for the execution of the project.
Due March 10 beginning of class

Twenty (20) will be for the reflection and critique of your group partners (individual points will be taken off for slackers).
Due March 11

Monday, February 22, 2016

Feb 22 - Journalism -- 15 pts

Caption Rule

First sentence, describe action in the photo. Present tense.
Second sentence, give background. What 5Ws/H are we missing? Paste tense.
Third sentence, content. Give me a good storytelling quote or interesting information. Past tense.

Go to the paper and look at the caption under the Sports vs. Social life story by Andrea.

YOu are going to take three pictures of students in this classroom and write caption for all three in the style above. Due at the end of the period.

Feb 22 - TV Production on Senior Slump

Check out The Buzz here.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Feb. 8 TV Production - Editing (20 pts)

I understand that some of you are brand new and I will cut you some slack.

But returning students must make a two-minute package that distills the message of whatever file you are given. This is for the show.

No copyright music allowed.

See these tutorials if you get stuck.

I am here to help you.

Ms. Greer

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Journalism - Feb 4 Assignment -- Captioning

See the following photos. Write a caption in the style of the video at the bottom of this post.

Click here for the tutorial for captioning.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Feb.2 - Journalism Assignment

Here is a news skill we will learn to sell ads on our news site. Click this link from the Berkeley School of Journalism. I cannot print the tutorial, so just leave it on your desktop to refer to as you go through the steps.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Feb1 -- Journalism Organization This Semester

The class is going to be broken into teams. This is also called Maestro (more on that later).

Each team has 5-6 reporters. They're basically on a 4-week rotation with about a third of each team assigned to each:

Type A stories (these basically are full length news/feature--500+ words and 3+ sources). They take a week to write* and week to research.
Type B stories (350 or so words 2+ sources can be researched and written* in a week)
Type C stories (opinions, reviews, "Buzzfeed" type listicles etc.) that can be researched and written in a week).
Type D stories. (Basically briefs. 200 words or fewer. 24 hour turnaround. Sports gamers in ALT format, basic Bloomberg Formula beats (Straight Lead, Quote, Factual paragraph, Quote).

So the week you are researching a Type A you might be doing a type D or two, then the next week writing and editing the longer story then a couple weeks rotating through shorter pieces before getting back in the rotation on a larger piece and on and on and on. It's our first year on this system and it's working well (ish) after a semester--still breaking editors from four years of thinking PRINT vs. WEB as opposed to continuous news cycle.

*includes editing/revising time.

TYPE D -- ALT format

It's a very specific type of ALTernative Copy Format we use for sports gamers. Totally stolen and modified from the way the Detroit Free Press does them, presumably for quick turnarounds to get into their outstate editions. They are something that can be turned around, edited and posted within one class period.

Here is what it looks like in the Detroit Free Press.

Here is what ALT format would look like turned around in one class period.

TYPE D --Basic Bloomberg Formula beats are modeled here.

Bloomberg Formula is simply a four paragraph formula Bloomberg uses for breaking news. (They update frequently, we probably wouldn't)

Straight News Summary Lead.
Factual paragraph

Hypothetical Bloomberg Format story:

The library will host a coloring therapy event to reduce exam stress on Jan. 20, after school until 3:30 p.m.
"We know kids are pretty stressed out during exam season," media specialist Gloria Klinger said. "We wanted to do something fun and creative to help get kids' heads into good space. I had seen a recent article about how adults are using adult coloring books to reduce stress and improve brain function and I thought we should try it."

The library will provide coloring books, most of which were purchased with the help of a donation from the Student Senate. Crayons/colored pencils will be available but students are encouraged to bring their own as supplies will be limited.

"In the big picture, this probably doesn't do a whole lot," Klinger said. "The week is still going to be a stress bomb. But this is fun, there's actually some science behind it and it should give some kids a laugh and a chance to be a kid again during one of the most stressful times of the year."

P.S. If you were wondering how the newspapers and press outlets are working across media platforms, check this article from Vox.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Jan. 12 -- TV Production Student Assignment (10 pts)

Today I want you to watch this tutorial on guerrilla (cheap) lighting tricks.

I am noticing that you guys are slacking on some of the videos in your lighting.

Fill out the sheet when you are finished.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

January 5 - Journalism Class Assignment (not TV Production) 25 pts

We are reviewing about captioning photos.

Click to see the available options for your photo choice HERE. Be sure you put the URL next to your choice.

At the bottom of the page I have given you, write up the captions for the following photos: