Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 29 - Have you done everything to make your stories more interesting?

Have you asked over 21 questions?   Does your story have at minimum three quotes from three different people who are value added?

Will the students and teachers and other Kennedy attached folks learn something from your story?  Do you make them "see" what is so interesting about it? 

This is your job.  There are a thousands of interesting stories within the walls of this building and you MUST dig them out. 

Don't bore people.  Dig.  Dip into it. 

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

Monday, March 28, 2011

March 28 - Look at this letter from a journalism teacher to the listserv -- nice

Big smile!

On Mar 25, 2011, at 11:11 PM, Kristin Strubhart wrote:

Today was a good day. And I feel the need to share with my fellow journalism teachers because you all will truly understand.

My executive producer for our broadcast program has taken it upon himself to cover what he feels is the most pressing issue for students at our school - budget cuts & increase in student fees. Yesterday, he decided to attend the school board meeting. It was a big meeting because they voted on the deficit reduction plan. It's pretty controversial. Within an hour of the meeting, he and senior staff had a story on our website, and a video recap for the next day's broadcast. Yep. Those are MY kids. Their story - which is still a work in progress - contained more information than our local paper, was accurate, and was up on our website about 30 minutes sooner. The great thing was soon after the budget was approved, our twitter followers, facebook fans, and subscribers were all engaged in a dialogue and using our site to get their news. It was the first time that we've reported meaningful "breaking news."

The support staff learned from our site that their paychecks for next year are being frozen. Apparently, no one had informed them of the new budget plans. Our superintendent has been so flooded with questions that she's holding an informational meeting this Monday.

We just launched our site in January, so we've been trying to get the word out to people and build an audience. Needless to say, we've had a big jump in traffic and followers.

It's just been really wonderful to see my staff take ownership and pride in their work, and see their work impact our school community. And I get to sit back and smile.

Cheers for scholastic journalism,

Kristin Strubhart
Broadcast Coordinator
O'Fallon Township High School
O'Fallon, IL. 62269

Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 28 - And you think you had a bad day . . .

Click here for Denver news on First Amendment and Prior Review

What is your reaction to this?  Write a response and  turn in to me today.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

March 28 -- Middle School Madness, Mean Girls

Sexting article from front page of NY Times Sunday

Cautionary tale, people.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

March 28 - Gutsy girl gets the guy

Click here for middle schooler interviewing Eminem

So how hard is that to do?  Really admire her pluck and resolve.  Gutsy.
Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 24

Best Photo Galleries

Look at these.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

March 24 Foundations of Journalism

Click here for Quizlet on Foundations for Journalism

Test on Monday,  March 27.  This is a revised date.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

Monday, March 21, 2011

March 21 - Persistence and Guts


This student approached Sebastian Junger via Facebook and he snagged an interview.  Very cool.  They publised in their student newspaper. 

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Journalism Test on March 24

Mr. Taylor with Pudd, the cat

Test will include a practical reporting exercise on deadline with reporting style in CORRECT form

- AND -  questions from the following web posts about journalism.  Test will take all of the block period.

Know the following for the test:

1. Guidelines for Reporting


2. Five Reasons to publish student names and photos


3. Seven ethical dilemmas student journalists face


4. Three landmark legal cases student journalists should know


5. 9 elements of journalism


Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

Friday, March 11, 2011

March 11 - Warm-up -- Read, write, turn it in

D'Andre shot this of the school . . . would you crop it?  I really loved the autumnal colors and the sky.  This is not a formal question.  I just want you to start thinking like a designer.

Click here for Pacemaker judges comments

These judges show us how to have a great paper for the next two issues when we switch up with InDesign.

Which of these points was news to you and why?  Please write that up and give to me. (4 pts.)

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 7 - Rachel Fus, news photographer, talks to journalism class

Rachel Fus in self-portrait from her blog using the technique demonstrated in link below.  She says that this is the look you get when you take a shower with water-soluble eyeliner.   :0)

Check here for cheap, cool way to light objects for photography

Welcome Rachel Fus, photographer extraordinaire from The Gazette!  She visits us on Monday, March 7 during sixth period.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1 - Preparing for Rachel Fus during next Monday's class.

Student photographer of the year

Check out the above.  We are having Ms. Fus's sister, a professional photographer with The Gazette newspaper, in to speak to us about what makes a good photograph.  Please arm yourself with info before that happens.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

March 1 -- Check out

Photographs are so important to the mission of telling stories in newspapers. 

Click here for great student photographs

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

March 1 -- Enroll and take two hours out to learn about this at some point

Go through this program especially if you are interested in getting your photos in The New Frontier.

Click here for best-photojournalism-what-makes-winner

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md

March 1 - Themes that carry through whole projects

Often writers or photographers will build a book around a theme.  Can you think of a project that does that?

Click here for photo project on what does mercy look like?

Ms. Greer
Silver  Spring, Md.