Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Dec. 14, 2011 -- Student Press winners and your assignment

Here are very important student press winners.
Click here.
Survey the topics that the student journalists were covering.
Then critique them by asnwering the following questions. 1. How did the lead get your attention?
2. How many sources were quoted in total?
3. Who were these sources? Were they close to the story? Great value added quotes or not?
4. How did they wrap up the story? Was anything from the lead referred back to? Did they do something completely different? Was there a twist?
5. What did the pictures (art) do for the story?

This is due on Friday, Dec. 16. Type up and hand-in to Ms. Greer.

Remember, modeling and looking at students who have this together will help your own projects.

Ms. Greer

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