Thursday, April 7, 2016

April 7, 2016 - TV Production Assignment (15 pts.)

So the above video is related to our upcoming puppet unit.

Watch it twice.

The first time watch for just enjoyment.

The second time, watch for all the funny business they do with the puppets.

Write up your observations.

NEXT, Think of a fairy tale that you can modify for a puppet skit.

Update it with a contemporary setting like Kennedy High School.

For example, the three little pigs with different lockers and a bully that is the big, bad wolf.

OR The Gingerbread Man trying out for the track team.

How can you add comedy to whatever fairy tale and situation you make-up?

Write up your proposal with a drawing of one of your characters and hand into the sub.

Then, I want you to think about motivation.

Check out this video about just that.
Navy Seal link click here

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

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