Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September 1 -- Journalism Assignment (15 pts)

You are going to look at all the following papers. Make extensive notes about what you notice on each website. PLEASE NOTE: write this on paper as the printer is not connected to your account in this classroom yet.

These are online newspapers you need to check out and write a critique.

How is the photography? Do they go outside their school to do stories? How is their sports coverage? What did you especially think was good/engaging? What did you not like?

Really use your time in here to examine them. They are:

The Paly Voice


The Pitch

Wilson High School, DC

Now Wilson High's student journalists are in the middle of a fight with the principal over their First Amendment rights. See the story here.

Define "prior review." What do you think it means in the context of the above story?

Due at the end of class. Ms. Greer

Silver Spring, Md.

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