Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Assignment - October 14 - Let's talk about grades

Reporters look at the underpinnings of things. (The above photo is the underbelly of a parade float which is relevant to this week of JFK Homecoming.)

In a journalism class, there is intrinsic motivation.

You are motivated because you want to do it, not because someone told you to.

So you guys signed a contract at the beginning of the year that you knew you had four (4) summative news packages due. The dates for these were:

Sept. 12
Sept. 26
October 10
October 24

These are now in the gradebook and will not be going away.

Please talk to me about where I have not given you credit. This will be a real focus the next two weeks to fix but make sure you give me material to work with, ok?.

I have not pressured you. That is not my job. You are to be reporters and sniff out good news stories. That is why this class is different than others. You self-direct with collaboration with your editor and at the end, yours truly.

Packages included the following:

**Photo (to anchor the story on our website)

**300-word article with relevant quotes from people who matter near the story who are value-added to our understanding of it

**Some kind of media (audio, video, slide show, graph, etc.)

It is time.

I will also be giving you other projects, but they will be formative.

Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.

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