Lucy and Yodit -- Learn everyething you can about sleep deprivation in teens. Startschoollater.net is a great place to start. We will interview principal character next week. We need to poll classes. The thrust of the story should be what people think about starting later BEFORE they hear what the issues are. Then polled AFTER they have been told. This will be an article, a graph AND a video. The video needs to go to PBS. Erin Rutter will also work on this. SHe is in LTI and in period three TV Production.
Jessica C., Michael C., Jeffrey G., Asmara H., B. Tesafaye: YOU ARE ALL TO COVER SPORTS. There are tons of games going on. Interview the players. Cover an actual game. Make sure you get pictures. Run your plan through Lucy.
Rohan D., Jessica G. -- you are to cover something about the art department. Start interviewing people and get great tape like you did when you interviewed the bus drivers. Maybe ask questions like "what makes someone an artist?" "Do you consider yourself an artist?" "Why or why not?" See what a lot of different people say. Talk to the art teachers, too. Get photos. Remember, we have video coverage of the art show that can go with your piece.
Rod A. -- what is going on with Anime Club? Interview those guys for the latest trends and what they are thinking about. Talk to sponsor, too.
Arianna R. and Adam M (welcome back) -- You guys are going to cover
West Side Story. Talk to the tech crew and see how they are preparing. Also sound and lights. Ms. Girley is running that. Get photos of them. Also talk to the actors. Are the getting it all ready? Take photos of them rehearsing.
Melanie L. -- Day of Silence is coming. But what if you combined that with coverage of National Poetry Month? Is anyone doing anything with poems to talk about the issues at hand? Start exploring what is going to happen and talk to the organizers. Lucy mentioned this yesterday but I don't know if she is doing anything about it. Talk to each other.
Parnell B-K -- You tell me what you would like to cover. I need a big feature piece or some kind of hard news story. Lots of kids have heard about colleges. Don't know if you care about that. You could talk about the year winding down with shows and tests and prom and graduation, etc. Non-fiction reporting piece.
My expectation is that ALL of you will talk to a ton of people and they should be able to check your notes and sign off on them if need be. Accuracy, accuracy, accuracy. You are the objective observer. Do not tip your hand about your own feelings. Do not lead the witness. Be Fair and accurate. No cheerleading. Find something interesting in this school. There is so much that is.
Due: End of next week April 12.
50 Summative points
Ms. Greer
Silver Spring, Md.